Archive | November 2013

Week 18: Box of Darkness

Lyric of the Week: “The story of my life. I take her home, I drive all night to keep her warm and time… is frozen. The story of my life. I give her hope I spend her love until she’s broke inside. The story of my life.” -The Story of My Life, One Direction


Yeah I know, that’s a horrible title for a blog about the horizon. These last two weeks, I haven’t been able to find the horizon with two hands and GPS. Neither has another blogger. I have figured out why for myself. I said I was leaving behind a lot in my last will and testament. Go on! Go back and read it, I’ll wait…..

Now, how much of that did I leave behind? Ha! Considering I just caught myself saying “the FBI has nothing on me,” I’d say everything I thought I left is still here clinging on like a static-y sock…. all of it. Which leads me to one conclusion: The only thing blocking me from my horizon is ME…

So, my title is actually a horizon title. It’s time to unwrap my box of darkness, unpack all the baggage inside and start seeing this “gift” for the gift that it is: an opportunity to learn. As a great friend recently reminded me, I am a knowledge Sim.

Week 17: The Wise and Angry Gremlin

Lyric of the Week: “So… FUCK YOU and FUCK HER, TOO.” F You, Cee-lo Green


I got nothing…but the sun setting in the distance on this line of bulllshit, a stolen Ikea bag full of bullshit and a look toward the horizon. Kick rocks.

**Edited: So ok, ok. . . There were more pictures this week. Good ones. (from bottom right and clockwise) Birthday food with friends, me solving a problem that saved my job hundreds, my boss actually thinking that I know how to “review for variances” (HA!) a breakfast sculpture, the cutest wall art ever and an adorable one year old. Lots of good times. And most importantly, a lesson: Never Blog Angry.**



Week 17: Bucket Full of Memories

The week was amazing and not what I expected.  A difficult week of memories turned into a week of new memories. 

Sunday was a bucket list first.  Center field with the Giants and Raiders after a 850am shot and tailgating with some new friends. The day was first class from start to finish.

11/12/13 was a touching loving caring amazing day. The moment when words don’t really need to be said and/or you can read between the lines is PRICELESS.

Remembering the good times I had with Todd was good for my heart. I felt like he talked to me just when I needed him too. In fact, this week he was with me from start to finish. Everything happens for a reason and his friendship got me ready for something so amazing words can’t express it.

Thursday I celebrated two peoples birthday. My little man and my little sis. I went from cupcakes and toys to shots and sis hugs. It was a great kick off to my long weekend as a sales manager. Yes, this woman can be mother, friend,  sister, aunt, professional and Lexy all in the same day.

I rounded my weekend out without to many tears. Remembering a difficult time in my life with love in my heart. Chopping away at my Bucket list by going to the movie theater alone. Seeing an amazing movie that was everything I needed and some things I didn’t know I needed. It’s amazing the signs you are sent when you are already there.

My horizon has never been this focused ever. I see where I am going,  where I need to be and where I want to go. All things worth having are worth waiting for.



Week 16: WTH

It must have been that kind of week!! I thought I took more pictures than what I did, so I apologize, they are pretty boring.

I looked back at some of my previous post and wOw I was making goals lol!

Can’t wait for week 17 …


Week 16.. To be Gremlin?


The week really was a blur.  Friday night I realized Margarita and Corona can just be friends as long as you don’t mix the two together. I was superwoman saving everyone but myself and Spider woman climbing the highest build and wanting to jump off. But I survived the gremlin episode and the true Wanda shined like a Diamond.  Here’s to week 17. Hope I live to tell about it.

Week 16: Your Blog Has Been Disconnected

Lyric of the Week: “Valió la pena lo que era necesario para estar contigo amor. Tú eres una bendición…” Valio la Pena, Marc Anthony


I took five photos this week. Not a one is REALLY connected to my horizon.

If I try real hard, I can say the top right is my assistance to Chrissy’s horizon and the bottom right to Imani’s. The photo of the sky technically IS the horizon… the fat me pic is me keeping my eyes looking forward to my goal weight and… the EZ Egg? Well. Um. Ok, that’s all I got.

Better luck next week. Lol

However, I’m keeping my eyes on the LOTW. Maybe one day I’ll feel like that. Sigh. Lmao maybe one day it’ll be true!