
Week 42: own your strong

What a Saturday!
Playing in the mud has had me thinking. A Saturday to remember.
I am so proud of myself, my team mates and everyone else who owns their strong.
My conquer list will be changing.

My Conquer List | Move over.. here she comes

And then the rest of the week.


Week 34: prefect storm



The week was perfectly filled with the people I love. Everyone trying to get my mind off my procedure. I decided to freshen up my toes which always makes me happy. My nephew team won the championship game and I discover my Hancock. My Saturday in New York with my sister was just want we needed. I am so blessed to have an amazing support system in my life.

Week 30: & this is just a little bit.

A week I will remember with out a doubt as well as a Valentines Day. The very best part of it all was hanging with girls. (Even thou it was cut short)
No food pics because we ate before it hit the table.
Work, work, work, fun. All work no play….Have to change the pictures I take.


Week 23: Ohhh what a week :)

Well the purple didn’t want to work so we went with Rudy Quake. Love the crafts mom & I made, we are moving in to the next holiday or event.

Isn’t it odd I have no pictures from the holidays.
I still haven’t shaved my legs. Someone better fix the yard.

It was a good week.

Come on 2014!


Week 16: WTH

It must have been that kind of week!! I thought I took more pictures than what I did, so I apologize, they are pretty boring.

I looked back at some of my previous post and wOw I was making goals lol!

Can’t wait for week 17 …


Week 13: Patti Dearest

Lyric of the Week: “All of me loves all of you. I love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections.” All of Me, John Legend

Dear Patti,

At the tender age of 11, there are some things that 35 year old me wants to tell you and give you some insight on. Listen up, little me.

First and foremost: STOP LETTING PEOPLE CALL YOU PATTI. You hate it! Speak up and make it stop! Get a voice, girl. You’ll find one in college, but don’t wait until then. The course of your life will change once you find it. Maybe look for it now. You find your courage, too. (Maybe, thanks to that carnelian heart you will start wearing 5 years from now and don’t take off for 3 years. You still have it now, by the way. It’s actually right next to the keyboard as this is being typed. Some things never fade.)

In the years ahead of you, you will grow into your face and your body and your spirit and your intelligence. It’ll flesh out rather nicely, if I do say so myself. So quit worrying and second guessing and hiding. The you you are right now is still here, and all these years later, people learn to appreciate it– most importantly YOU! Don’t listen to the people who doubt you. And stop doubting yourself. Couple gems about that? GO NATURAL. NOW. You’ll thank yourself later for the healthier hair. Exercise. Eat better. But don’t stress that too much either. It’ll get better. And most of those skinny little bitches you envy now (at 11) are, at 35,  fat. And wrinkled. And stagnant. Fuck ’em.

Over the next 25 years, you will make all kinds of romantic blunders. The one you like right now doesn’t even factor in your life 12 months from now. Stop following him like lost puppy. Besides, you’ll sleep with him in college and realize he sucks in bed. So sad. You will fall in love many more times and truthfully, darling, they all suck until about age 25. So wipe your tears early and for good. They are just blips. Nothing to stick on. The one who makes you want to die in college, he apologizes later for all he does to you. Genuinely. And when you see his first child, you’ll be ok that it wasn’t yours. Genuinely.  And feel nothing but happiness about the whole thing.

When you are 26, You will be given the first of the two best gifts you will ever receive. Your niece– and your nephew comes at 30. You can’t even imagine right now how much they will mean to you. Take notes of what it’s like being 11. Your niece will want to know. And your memory sucks. I can’t wait for you to meet them. There was never a more beautiful sight than their little faces or anything more fun than just being with them.

Time will pass and you will marry the person YOU LEAST EXPECT  . . . and then leave him when the love runs out. Maybe rethink that marriage thing? You are at better friends. But–he is the first man to actually love you for you. You will always love him for that. He saw your worth before you did and no one can replace him. You’ll meet another one right after that who makes your world and your heart spin like a damn top. When you meet him– if you don’t heed any other advice– heed this: RUN. RUN like your life depends on it. And use protection. (Cause I know you. Your ass ain’t runnin’. Those eyes will catch you just like they caught me.)

Spend more time with Dad. A lot more. I know, you are always with him and you love every minute of it. But trust me, Patti, when he is gone it won’t have been enough. You will miss him all the time and wish you had more memories. Take more pictures. Take videos. Record his voice, Get him to write you letters. Everything. He is always going to be with you, but you’ll wish you had savored more. Savor it. You will never meet anyone else as kind or cool or important.

Quick tips? Save money. Get better at math. Take chemistry. Pass it. Stay with science. Don’t switch majors. Don’t say yes when you shouldn’t and say no when you should. Get the chicken pox now- it’s UGLY later. Move away from your roommate and cut her off. She’s trouble. Oh, is she trouble. Love big. Don’t forgive everyone and . . . Barb? She’s still a bitch- don’t stress that you hate her.

All in all, you are still kind of lost in 24 years. But you love you. You love life and you are learning to be happy. Look forward to a long eventful road. And take it all in. Remember it. And keep learning. You’ll be ok. You survive.

Sincerely, You




Week Eleven: Just leaving it

I, Christina, being of medicated mind and tired body do declare to leave my jealous self to the person I was 60 seconds ago. Be Jealous, I’m Not. I leave yesterday right where it is but I’m taking the memories, lessons and planning for the future. I leave behind feeling bad and not looking my best to the young woman who do not have the means or support that I do to be an “Amazing Woman”. To all the people that judge me, have casted doubt on me or assumed something of me I leave you my sincere apologies for proving you wrong or not living up to your expectations. I have to do this my way. To whoever would like to fight over the DIETS I leave them to you! This is a life change and much bigger then my body alone. I leave eating after 9:30pm to my inner fat girl 😢unless I’m on vacation or being swept off my feet 😁 To everyone with their guard up I leave you my past, present and future broken heart. Who said being vulnerable is bad? I leave behind all uncertainties and reservations to the fire that is burning inside me, I will not let anything stand in the way of my happiness.




Week Five: the production goes on

I haven’t posted in my other blog (sigh), what a defeat! So do I even try to make these posts up this week? It will be a task but I’m down for it. I wanted to start off with my goals for this week since I had such a product Week 5 with a lot of pictures to share.
Goals for week 6
1) Post in other blog 3 times this week.
2) Make an appointment with “Mr. Sam”.
3) Just take a ride.
4) Go to the gym.

Week 5 was Fantastic! This week I clearly had My Eyes on the Horizon, everything wasn’t perfect but I saw the possibilities. And an extra 2 days off from work didn’t hurt. I have so many things to work on to create a better me, stronger me, healthier me, etc. and I’m ready for the challenge. After only 5 weeks of starting this blog I can feel and see the difference. It goes beyond me; I can also see the growth in others.

And this garage was made for working (imagine me singing that line). Ok don’t. I love, love, love, the garage. It is by far the best thing ever right now. Once I have time to spend on some personal projects it will be even better.



I can not forget the hair cut. I’m still on the fence with this one.

What I loved most about this week was the time I got to spend with my family and friends as well as my alone time. I’m looking forward to another fun productive week.
lets go…..

Week 5: ♡ Better Me

My week started out full, jam packed and of course with my family. I really love the weekends because that’s my time with my love ones. I started with my sis, mom in law and all 3 of my kids. It is great that I can still be close to my in laws even tho I am not with my husband any more. The one thing I value the most is FAMILY. Ending Sunday with all of my in laws and my kids was great. Didn’t think the week could get any better, but I was wrong…

Monday was my relaxing day and finally got my French toast, yeah my mom is the best. I did a lot of thinking, resting and really needed some time to regroup. Tuesday was the day I decided that it has been long over due for me to take “ME” back. Counting calories, adding some exercise and joined a website of supportive and motivated people. Putting my right foot forward, out with the old foot wear and eating habits. Walking is my new friend and I can’t wait to see how far we GO!

Spending all week doing better for me and my family has made me a better person. I have more energy, and really can feel myself changing inside and out. The journey will not always be easy, but with my love ones by my side I know I CAN DO IT!

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